Kitchener as Proconsul of Egypt, 1911-1914 by George.H. Cassar

Kitchener as Proconsul of Egypt, 1911-1914 by George.H. Cassar

Author:George.H. Cassar
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Springer International Publishing, Cham

No one seemed to know how the rumors got started. Kitchener kept denying reports that his departure from Egypt was imminent. He told Lady Salisbury: “I have had to contradict reports that I’m going to be Viceroy [of India] next year, it rather upsets the people here to learn that I may leave Egypt.” 32 Storrs received numerous news reporters from the London dailies, all exhibiting private cables from their editors requesting whether it was true that Kitchener was going to India in the near future. Storrs categorically denied the reports and circulated the same message to the local and foreign press.

The Asquith government never seriously considered making a change in India. If it had the obvious question would have been whether Kitchener would have accepted the assignment. He gave no hint one way or the other, even to his closest aides or friends. It was no secret that Kitchener desperately wanted the Viceroyalty of India but, at the time, he was completely exhausted and the task of reestablishing firm control would have been considered herculean, not to mention that he had not yet completed his work in Egypt. Storrs told his mother: “That he will finally go seems likely enough but I am inclined to place it at the beginning of 1915, by which time he would be quite prepared to leave Cairo.” 33 Rumors kept surfacing periodically but, until the Great War broke out in the summer of 1914, Kitchener remained Consul-General to the delight of the people.

1.Lord Cromer (author’s collection)


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